The Transforming Trauma Course is not just a program but a transformational environment built on vital relationships that will effect positive changes in people. The number one cause of illness, depression, addiction, suicide, and premature death is not poor health but trauma or violence, and even worse, alone-ness and loneliness. One of the reasons so many people are in such dire circumstances and demanding situations is that we have not created "healing" environments. The prescription for healing trauma is in Jesus and how He lived in the world. Jesus was the one true genuine, authentic person, living and dying without fear, totally free, and self-giving. He was sent to us by God to lead us on a journey from spiritual emptiness, the root of all trauma, to our true genuine, and authentic selves. This course shows how working the five dimensions, which are rooted in true Biblical genuine, authentic selfhood, can help us overcome trauma and fear, experience freedom, and help others do the same. Our vision is to facilitate spiritual, relational, and emotional healing through the five dimensions of words, safety, compassion, mind transformation, and a clear understanding of their purpose. Our mission is to connect students with the partner's empowerment plan and an empowerment team working together to accomplish their purpose.